Sunday, July 13, 2014

At 63...what do I know now?

Growing up there are so many milestones to look forward to: first steps, first grade, first date, drivers  license, graduation, marriage, children. These are important stages of life.

There are the ages that you so look forward to: double digits, 13, 21.  Then those favorite years began to lose their sparkle. However, those years continue to go by. One day you wake up to grandchildren and for the lucky ones retirement.

Then what?   That question has as many answers as there are questions. For me it means looking at today.  Right now! Being present today!  Do I look forward to another milestone year?  65. Yep 65!

AARP reports that we the people over age 50 are 100 million strong. We will soon control more than 70% of disposal income in this country. And still older Americans are virtually ignored.  If you notice most advertising targets the young. I find that very interesting. What it says to me is, my time is now.  The present.

So at 63... What do I know now?  Now is my answer. I am here now. Now is my time. Now I spend my time with my Grands. Now I am here...present. Tomorrow belongs in the future. Yesterday belongs in the past. Be here now. Find your now and enjoy.

Try something new. Lose  the attitude of growing old, and grasp today. Now is where everything happens. Trust in God and follow your

As my new adventure in writing my blog "Camp Gane", I hope to encourage seniors (60+) to follow their passion. Get up and enjoy now!  We are strong.  Remember only 30% of disposable income belongs to folks younger than us.  Makes me smile.



  1. Yes and amen to everything you said!!!!! Thank you for your beautiful writing!!!! Truly inspiring!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE

    1. It really is an exciting time in our parallel lives. Amazing how we seem to be on the same path. We are striving to live our lives to the fullest in our retirement years. I am very grateful for our friendship. I gain a lot of confidence from your love and support. We can do this MM. With God's plan and edging out of our comfort zone, we really will be sensational after 60. Love you MM
