Friday, July 18, 2014

Old pjs and shoe boxes

What do you do with old pjs and shoe boxes?  At Camp Gane we make doll furniture. The girls cut up the pjs and used the fabric and glue to cover shoe boxes. They made beds/sofas ( night and day use), and blankets, pillows and robes. We then covered storage boxes with a blanket and turned the closet into a  two-story doll house. Very exciting. They have played camp, hotel, and other various activities with their creation. Imagination is a wonderful thing. Believe in magic. It is good for the soul. #lifeisgrandatcampgane


  1. Tell the girls I love their imaginations and creations!!! I love life at Camp Gane!

    1. We have a good time MM. We need a big girl outing soon.
